WaterCube Whitepapers

We invite you to read the whitepapers below for tips & tricks, as well as insight about the power of WaterCube.

River Mapping Data Collection Tips

Learn best practices for collecting your data to seamlessly CUBE your river.

Using “Go with the Flow” techniques will help you optimize your spatial data collection and get the results you have been after.

Spatial River Mapping and Visualization - WaterCubeBest Practices

Learn how to hit the water with not only one ADCP but many at one time to get the most out of your data collection efforts. Collect, Process and Visualize your Digital Elevation Models in a snap. Real 3D data never looked so good.

“Art of the Possible” - Advanced Hydraulics using Spatial River Data Calculations

Learn from a master (Dr. Art Schmidt, PHD ) of how you can apply some advanced hydraulic calculations to your data and solve real world problems. The power of having real 3D spatial data allows you to start looking at all types of hydraulic calculations right from within the Cubeit software. For a video on the possibilities see the webinar section.

For more information about the content featured in these whitepapers, we invite you to click the button below to request a free consultation.