Art of the Possible Webinar Series

Advanced Hydraulics Using Spatial River Data

Please join us Wednesday, August 24th at 12:00PM EDT, for the “Art of the Possible” Webinar.



Please join us Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 at 12 PM EDT, for the “Art of the Possible” Webinar.

We will take a peek into how WaterCube makes it easy to “scour for power” in rivers and tidal estuaries. With a focus on lower impact renewable energy and advancements in hydrokinetic development, it’s never been easier to find the optimal location for turbine and instrument placement for testing or harnessing the power of your tidal site or river.

With WaterCube’s advanced data collection methods, processing and visualization, you will have your answer within days of data collection at a fraction of the cost. Learn how you can sweep your river for miles and convert that data into real power potential.

We will show you how to approach the survey, how to process the data and how to produce 3D views like never before so you can actually see where the true power is in your river.

It’s that EASY!